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Welcome to the Hoboken Buffalo Bills Backers

Every Sunday, Bills fans from all over NY and NJ meet up in Hoboken to watch the Bills games! There are over 100 members of the Hoboken Bills Backers, and we’re growing every year! Membership in to the Hoboken Bills Backers is free... Just show up on Sunday for the game (shown on multiple flat screens, with surround sound), and great food and drink specials! We're in the process of securing a new meeting place for the 2010 season. As soon as we have chosen a new Hoboken location, this site will be updated with all of the location information.

To learn more about the Hoboken Bills Backers, shoot us an email at We’ll get right back to you!

This Weeks Game

We play the Lions this Thursday night. 6:30PM start. Lynch is expected to play a bit, and we'll probably get to see a bit more of Nelson this week as he's competing for a roster spot!

Let's Go Bills!